How Does Sugar Impact Gut Health And PMS?

Sugar is well known for providing major up's and down's in mood and energy, the sugar high is all fun and games until that dreaded sugar crash appears, which the majority of people have experienced at some point in their lives.

Daily Habits For Optimum Gut Health

Symptoms of heartburn, bloating after eating, cramping in the stomach, wind and constipation are usually signs that the digestive system is having difficulty coping with food, and this is frequently due to a lack of stomach acid and digestive enzymes in the small intestine, as well as, a possible imbalance of gut bacteria.


Microbiotics. Is Bigger Better?

There are numerous brands of microbiotics on the UK market today and deciding which microbiotic supplement is right for you can be confusing. Let alone trying to figure out which dosage is best. Nutritionist Marianna Sulic tells you her top tips on what to look out for when deciding which microbiotics to buy.

Quick Ways To Boost The Nutritional Content Of A Meal

Take your health to the next level with some simple dietary changes. Nutritionist Marianna Sulic on some quick and easy ways to boost the nutritional content of a meal.

Travelling For Health

In many ways health is becoming a the new definition of wealth and we want it weaved into our downtime – into holidays, travel and family time. Perhaps it is the reason why retreats - more purposeful getaways - are an increasingly popular option for those seeking longer-lasting change.

Relocating To Italy And How It Impacted My Diet

Nutritionist Marianna Sulic on relocating to Italy and learning about Italian food culture. Read about her journey of discovery and how she adjusted her families eating habits to maintain healthy despite being surrounded by an abundance of Italian delicacies.