What is the Difference Between Plant Oestrogen in Red Clover Compared to Soy?

Plant oestrogens, also known as phytoestrogens, boast a number of benefits which are linked to health and wellbeing – specifically...

Can Menopause Cause a Bad Hair Day?

There are many symptoms that come with menopause - some more common than others. But is hair thinning one of them?  ...

Hormonal Imbalance in Women: Types, Causes, Signs, Solutions & Treatments

Hormones are at the heart of our wellbeing. From acne to weight gain or fatigue, there are a number of common signs that yours might be out of sync.

Alternatives to HRT: Supplements & Natural Solutions for Hot Flushes, Fatigue & Other Menopause Symptoms

Let's be honest, HRT isn't for every woman. If you're interested in exploring natural solutions for your menopause symptoms, we've taken a look at the latest evidence.

Hormone Replacement Therapy & Menopause Symptoms: Types, Side Effects & Deciding If HRT Is for Me

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment for alleviating menopause symptoms. Let's explore HRT: types, routines, benefits, side effects and any risks. Is HRT for me?

National HRT Shortage? Here's Some Support...

Lockdown and issues with Brexit mean that many menopausal women are concerned they may be left without their HRT medications and unable to access local support groups. Nutritionist Susie Debice suggests ways to keep updated...