CBD Mince Pie Bites
Tuesday, 07 December, 2021

CBD Mince Pie Bites

Author: Lauren Lovatt


CBD Mince Pie bites

50 dried cranberries

100 raisins

50g sultanas

. tsp Cinnamon

. tsp Ginger powder

3 pipettes Pharma Hemp cherry CBD

1 tbsp coconut oil, melted



3 tbsp ground almonds (optional)

Mince pie bites filled with festive fruit and the perfect Christmas gift.




10 minutes


30 minutes


CBD Mince Pie Bites

Place all of the ingredients in a small food processor or blend and process until all of the ingredients easily form a ball.

Let the mixture sit in the fridge for 30 minutes until set to touch.

Roll the mixture into 12 avocado stone sized balls and then you can choose whether to roll them in ground almonds to make ‘snow balls’.

Store the balls in the fridge for up to 7 days or wrap them as a delicious gift.

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